Chris Dzombak

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Alfred workflows for searching Bear notes and Docker Hub images

Alfred workflows for searching Bear notes and Docker Hub images

Recently1 I have forked, updated, and started distributing two Alfred workflows: alred-bear.alfredworkflow and docker-hub.alfredworkflow.


I forked alfred-bear from bjrnt/alfred-bear to fix a few issues:

My fork fixes the error by using, a pure-Go SQLite implementation, to avoid the need for cgo. I’ve also updated the build and release process to:

Download alfred-bear.alfredworkflow from GitHub.


I forked docker-hub from skyzyx/docker-hub.alfredworkflow for similar reasons. The original worked, but getting it to run took several steps due to the lack of codesigning and notarization. It also used a very outdated method to manage Go dependencies.

My fork:

Download docker-hub.alfredworkflow from GitHub.

  1. Well, within the past year.